St. Anthony of Padua Church

Celebrating 100 Years of Community

Saint Anthony of Padua
Roman Catholic Church
Union City, New Jersey

1899 -1999


English: Mass Schedule I Administration I Parochial School I Sacraments I Special Events I Prayer to Saint Anthony I Links

Espanol: Horario de Misas I Los Sacramentos I Oracion I San Antonio

Italiano: Preghiera A S. Antonio di Padova

Mass Schedule/
Horario de Misas:


7:30 AM - English Mass (Church)
8:00 AM - Misa en Espanol (Iglesia)
4:00 PM - Messa Italiana (Chiesa)
5:30 PM - English Mass, Vigil (Church)

St. Anthony of Padua

7:45 AM - English Mass (Church)
8:45 AM - Misa en Espanol (Capilla de Lourdes)
10:00 AM - English Mass (Church)
11:30 AM - Misa en Espanol (Iglesia)
1:00 PM - Misa en Espanol (Iglesia)

Dias de Semana:

Every Day: 7:30 AM - English Mass
Todas los dias: 8:00 AM - Misa en Espanol
Martes: 7:30 PM - Misa en Espanol
Jueves: 7:30 PM - Misa en Espanol


Rev. Ilario Crepaz, Administrator
Rev. Carlos Flor, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fabio Venturini, Parochial Vicar
Ms. Connie Vezza, Trustee
Mr. Jose Espinal, Trustee
Mr. Luis Tobar, Religious Education Director

Parochial School:

Contact Information:

Sister Catherine Santorsa, M.P.F., School Principal
Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Elementary School
700 Central Ave., Union City, NJ 07087
Tel. 201-864-5605, Fax: 201-223-1101

Sister Catherine Honored, School Closing

Class Reunions:

Click here to post your Class Reunion notice or to read current notices.

Administration of the Sacraments/
Administracion de los Sacramentos:


Call 201-867-3818 to make an appointment.
Llame 201-867-3818 para hacer una cita.


Saturdays, 3:30 PM. We welcome requests at a proper time.
Sabados, de 3:30 y en cualquier otro momento con cita previa.


Arrangements required to be made one year before the date of marriage.
Debe ponderse en contacto con el Sacerdote por lo menos con un ano de anticipacion.

Sick Calls/
Visitas a enfermos:

Communion, Reconciliation and the Sacraments of the Sick are available to all the sick persons of the Parish. Please call 201-867-3818.
Se ofrece la Comunion, la Reconciliacion y los Santos Sacramentos de los Enfermos a todas las personas enfermas de las parroquia. Sirvase llamar 201-867-3818.

Special Events:

Closing Centennial Anniversary Mass:

Centennial Kick-Off
Anniversary Mass:

Past and current parishioners and priests came together for a final centennial celebration on Saturday, September 11, 1999. Archbishop Theodore McCarrick presided at mass in the church, which was concelebrated with several former priests from the church including Rev. Robert Templeton, Bishop Dominic Marconi, and Rev. Michael Fuino, among others. A lovely dinner followed at Scheutzen Park.
A kick-off mass was celebrated on Saturday, September 26, 1998, with Bishop Dominic Marconi presiding. The mass was attended by current and former parishioners and priests, as well as the parochial school's Religious Sisters Filippini, students, faculty, and staff.

Novena Prayer to St. Anthony

Saint Anthony, glorious for the fame of your miracles, obtain for me from God's mercy this favor that I desire (mention your request). Since you were so gracious to poor sinners, do not regard my lack of virtue but consider the glory of God which will be exalted once more through you by the granting of the petition that I now earnestly present to you. Glorious Wonderworker, Saint Anthony, father of the poor and comforter of the afflicted, I ask for your help. You have come to my aid with such loving care and have comforted me so generously. I offer you my heartfelt thanks. Accept this offering of my devotion and love and with it my earnest promise which I now renew, to live always in the love of God and my neighbor. Continue to shield me graciously with your protection, and obtain for me the grace of being able one day to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, there to praise with you the everlasting mercies of God. Amen.


Oh glorioso San Antonio, protegenos con tu favor en todas las necesidades y apuros de nuestra vida.


Ricordatevi, oh! ricordatevi, miracoloso Santo, che voi non avete mai lasciato di aiutare e consolare chi vi ha invocato nelle sue necessita! Animato io da una grande confidenza e dalla certezza di non pregare invano, a voi ricorro che siete tanto ricco di grazie e tanto caro a Gesu! Eloquente predicatore dell'infinita misericordia di Dio, non rifiutate la mia preghiera, ma fate che essa giunga con la vostra intercessione al trono di Dio, affinche io abbia aiuto e conforto nella presente mia angustia e necessita. Ascoltate, assieme alla mia voce, quella dei vostri Organelli, che per me vi chiedono questa grande grazia. Cosi sia.

San Antonio



Religious Teachers Filippini I Archdiocese of Newark

St. Michael's Regional High School, Union City I Sts. Joseph & Michael Parish, Union City

Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church

Church: 8th Street & Bergenline Ave.

Chapel of Lourdes: 502 Palisades Ave.

Rectory: 615 - 8th Street

Union City NJ 07087

Tel. 201-867-3818, Fax: 201-867-8859

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Last updated April 21, 2004